Zeiss Smartlife Progressive-Lenses

Non-Contact Tonometer
In order to offer a comprehensive sight test we include retinal photography as part of your NHS examination. This gives us a detailed image of your retina, giving us a permanent record to allow us, not only to spot any problems, but to monitor changes over the years.

Retinal photography
By using the non-contact tonometer, we will blow a puff of air in each eye. The air bounces back to the tonometer to gauge the pressure inside each eye. This is extremely important as high pressure can indicate the early stages of glaucoma.

Slit Lamp
The slit lamp is used to examine the outer surface of the eyes, eyelids, lashes and surrounding areas. This will also allow the optician to evaluate the condition of the cornea, sclera, conjunctiva, iris and the lens allowing the optometrist to spot any abnormalities or scratches.

Visual Fields/Screening
We use this screening as a means to testing the effectiveness of your peripheral vision. During this visual fields test we will ask you to look at a spot in the centre of the machine and respond to lights flashing in your peripheral. This will give us indications of any blind spots and spot the early signs of glaucoma.

Optical Coherence Tomography
OCT is a new, completely painless and highly advanced screening system that checks for and helps manage potentially serious conditions like:
Glaucoma, Diabetes, Eye tumours, Macular degeneration, Retinal bleeding, holes or detachment.
Similar to an ultrasound but far more advanced this equipment allows us to build a complete image of the back of the eye and monitor any changes to these layers that may affect your future vision.
There is a charge for the OCT scan, but the benefits are obvious, so you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your eyes are in great condition. £35 charge when booked at the time of your appointment, £55 when booked following your appointment.

How often am I entitled to a free NHS eye test?
If you’re under 16, or you’re 60 or over, you can have a free NHS eye examination once a year, if needed.
If you’re between 16 and 59, you can have a free NHS eye examination once every two years
If you have problems with your eyes, you may have to attend for more regular eye examinations. The optometrist will tell you if you need to come back more often.